Magical Circus -series

Magical Circus bow -set 9 €

Magical Circus bow -set includes two beautiful bows that can be used as hair bows or brooches. The bows are made of pretty diamond pattern ribbon and have a small golden star or a playing card symbol detail (please specify your preference when ordering this product). The bows come in three different colorways, red x gold, black x gold and violet x gold.

Width: 11 cm
Height: 6 cm

Red: 1/1
Black: 1/1
Violet: 1/1

We use 2-way clips on our bows and they are fastened with contact glue.

Magical Circus ribbon 9 €

Magical Circus ribbon can be used as a hair bow or a brooch. The ribbon is made of pretty diamond pattern ribbon and have a small golden star or a playing card symbol detail (please specify your preference when ordering this product). The bows come in three different colorways, red x gold, black x gold and violet x gold. We use 2-way clips on our bows and they are fastened with contact glue.

Width: 17 cm (max)
Height: 12 cm (max)

Red: 1/1
Black: 1/1
Violet: 1/1

Magical Circus ear rings

Magical Circus ear rings come in three styles (please specify your preference when ordering this product). You can choose the material of the metallic parts (silver or gold) and the playing card symbols used (heart , spade ♤, diamond ♢ or clubs ♧). The prize varies depending on the style you choose.

Style 1

Style 2
Symbols: 2 cm

Style 1 (3,5 e): YES
Style 2 (3,5 e): YES

Magical Circus bracelet 5 e

 Magical Circus bracelet comes with gold or silver chain (please specify your preference when ordering this product).


Bracelet: 20 cm (includes 5,5 cm adjustment chain)
Symbols: 2 cm

Golden: YES
Silver: YES



Charming skulls -series

Charming Skulls -bracelet 6 €

Bracelet: 20 cm (includes 5,5 cm adjustment chain)
Crosses: 1,5 cm


Charming Skulls -ear rings 3,5 €

Pendant: 3 cm


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